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19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA
Rohingya Refugee Children in Bangladesh
by Larry Louie

Project Statement:

As of January 2018, about 1 million Rohingya refugee had fled the persecutions in Myanmar, settling in overcrowded informal camps near Cox Bazaar in Bangladesh. It is estimated that over 50,000 are children. The lucky ones are with family who can protect them. Many have been separated from their family and are essentially fending for themselves and their younger siblings on their own. As these children move through their daily activities in the camps with eyes too old and serious for their age, one can only imagine what horrors and atrocities they have witnessed and endure on their journey here.

Artist Bio:

Based in Edmonton, Canada, Larry Louie is a practicing optometrist and a travel and documentary photographer who have managed to combine his interests to promote the work of different charities around the world. In his clinic, he works to enhance the vision of people from all walks of life. On his travels, he is a humanitarian documentary photographer, exploring the lives of remote indigenous people, and documenting social issues changing people’s perception of the world around them. Over the last couple of years, Dr. Louie has used his photography as a platform to high light the work of different charities around the world, along with other social issues and challenges people are encountering in a world facing rapid urbanization and globalization. He wants to engage people in inspiring stories of perseverance and strength, not only of those who have found themselves caught in such a plight, but also amazing individuals and organizations that are lending a helping hand. He hopes his photographs will be able to tell the stories and make a difference, and to reveal light that is found in the darkest of places.
